Event: Carrier Latch Top Work Roll Cylinders - Extend
See the event “HPU On – Pressure Compensated Pumps delivering Low Pressure for previous steps in this sequence.
Note that this event describes the sequences for Mill Stand F1. The same sequences apply for stand F2 through F6, though the component numbers will change. Refer to the relevant schematic for each stand for the appropriate component number.
1) Pressurized hydraulic fluid flows freely through Check Valve 151.07 to the P-port of Directional Control Valve 300.07.
2) Directional Control Valve is actuated to the crossover flow pattern and the pressurized hydraulic fluid flows through the valve from P to B. Next the fluid flows freely through the B-port of Check Valve Module 174.07 and then into the cap ends of Carrier Latch Top Work Roll Cylinders 717.01 and 717.02, causing the cylinders to extend.
3) Exhaust flow from the rod ends of the cylinders flows through the A-port needle valve of the flow control module, as the exhaust flow cannot flow through the A-port check valve of the flow control module. Thus, meter-out speed control of the extension speed of the cylinders is achieved.
4) Next, the exhaust fluid flows through the directional control valve flowing from B to T.
5) Finally, the exhaust fluid flows back to tank through Check Valve 089.07 and Duplex Return Line Filter 045.02.